PreciousChicken: Blog
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Barebones Guide to JUnit on the Command Line
Introduction JUnit is a testing framework for Java. It is primarily aimed for IDEs, but with some perseverance it can be used on the command line. ConsoleLauncher You will need ConsoleLauncher, a java executable, to run JUnit from the command line. At time of writing the latest version is junit-platform-console-standalone-1.6.0.jar and can be downloaded from the Maven Repository. Download this file to your working directory. Create a sample java file Using your text editor of choice create a file called SampleUnit.
Where Do I Put AppImages?
TL;DR I put my AppImages in /opt. The Official Recommendation The AppImage FAQ recommends the following for storing AppImages: If you don’t want to leave them in $HOME/Downloads, then $HOME/Applications is a good choice. Why not leave them in $HOME/Downloads? What’s wrong with this? Can’t I just leave them in $HOME/Downloads? No. If you are anything like me Downloads is full of random accumulated dross, kind of like digital lint. Anything worth preserving gets filed, anything left is assumed to be delete-worthy.
Configuring Deja Dup Ubuntu backup on a WD My Cloud NAS
Considering that the sole purpose of Deja Dup is to backup and one of the main selling points of a WD My Cloud NAS drive1 is as a place to store your backup; it is surprisingly difficult to do it in a seamless way on Ubuntu. By seamless I mean it happens in the background without you having to think about it. This post was originally written in December 2019 for Western Digital’s My Cloud OS 3 operating system and Ubuntu 18.
Configuring Oni as a C / C++ IDE on Ubuntu 18.04
Update Dec 19: Whereas previously Oni was freely downloadable, there since appears to have been a change in project direction. The IDE is now called Onivim 2 and there is a pre-order fee. No idea if you can still install the version I used below, but the post might be useful in other contexts. K&R’s Second Edition of the C Programming Language (*affiliate link) is not an easy read. To tame it I thought I might use Oni to do some of the heavy lifting, which is an IDE with Neovim as a back end.
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