Creating a tasks todo list in TiddlyWiki
Feb 21, 2021 09:11 · 394 words · 2 minute read
This is entirely based on Francis Meetze’s youtube tutorial, Tracking Tasks in TiddlyWiki, which although is fantastic does not provide the actual text to copy and paste. All credit is his, mistakes are mine.
If you haven’t seen the video, TiddlyWiki is a note taking tool (at its simplest); and the following steps allows you to create a special type of tiddler (e.g. note) which allows you to track tasks or todos.
This was written using version 5.1.21 of TiddlyWiki.
Create a Todo tiddler
Firstly create a new tiddler - call it Todo, or something that makes sense to you. Add a Tasks tag. This is where a list of active tasks will appear.
Edit this tiddler by inserting the following WikiText:
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]!tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done"> <$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="title"/>
I’ve edited this slightly from Meetze’s example as I don’t want the time/date I created the task to feature - it doesn’t add value for me.
Create a Completed tiddler
Now we need a tiddler to list tasks which have been marked as done. Create a tiddler called Completed and add a Tasks tag.
Add the following WikiText:
<$list filter="[!has[draft.of]tag[task]tag[done]sort[created]]">
<$checkbox tag="done">~~<$link to={{!!title}}>
<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDth mmm hh:mm"/> - <$view field="title"/>
Test it works
Create a tiddler entitled TakeTheBinsOut, give it a tag of task. Once saved this should be listed on the Todo tiddler. Checking the tickbox next to it should automagically cause it to be removed from Todo and appear on Completed.
Add to default tiddlers
I’ve set my TiddlyWiki up so that my open tasks are the first visible tiddler on opening. To do this open the Control Panel (the icon that looks like a cog) and add Todo to the first position in the Default tiddlers option.
What, no screenshots?
True, I do normally, but in this case you can go and look at the video. If you have any other feedback - feel free to add in comments.
As is always the case, in the course of writing a post I always later stumble across more on the subject. Now I find the WikiText to complete the above is already within the TiddlyWiki documentation at their TaskManagementExample tiddler. Their code is more concise, and they also provide a further draggable example, so take a look if you want to dig deeper.